A choice…

In the distance, a voice, with no choice at all,

(p)reserves only humanity, with no choice at all.

(H)ear the distant thunders! Hear the distant sighs!

There is no gard living just the living ostracized!

Beneathe our footsteps hear our thunders

and fear not ur living age

cos the thunder you hear ripplin’

is just our thyme and s’age;

and then again  ‘she’ will denounce, as any living mother might,

to say that is no way to be and there’s no God-Given rite!

A choice…

Oh please not Anti-Resolutions Time Already?


[Did a lazy reblog…]

Ten things not to do in 2017? [prompt]

  1. Stress about creativity…
  2. Plan a strict schedule…
  3. Freeze / starve…
  4. Apologise for absences and belatedness…
  5. Travel so far I can’t get home for months…!
  6. Run out of money…
  7. Deprive myself of hope…
  8. Avoid poetry… whatever anyone has to say about men writing and reading such stuff!
  9. Buy any kind of new tech (2ndhand inc) / mobile device…
  10. Sink for borrowing too much…

And if I were making it ‘a baker’s dozen’ … it’d just be unlucky for some, but (a) not to be even acknowledging detritus types of western politic, however dangerous it might seem to have alternative ways of ‘free-thinking’; (b) online too much again eventually, unless / until co-writing on pieces of paper, jointly, with Colleen de V. and be careful with it (is that in the nots category? and so, (c) confusing myself with daft artistic notions derived from influence of bogus ‘artful dodger’ types! [no accusations or implications being levied at any acquaintance in either of our worlds, real and/or virtual! cuz we steer clear, as do they of any honest types! lol]

{I might need to add a 14- for an admin vol getting round to some posting some drafty stuff some time, reciprocally & mutually unpaid of course, in our wonderful so often tokenistic ‘free world’…}

I got back specially for a 72-100hour plus New Year marathon ‘Soiree’ and forgot to bring Snickers, but remembered more beans! hooray!

Oh please not Anti-Resolutions Time Already?

FFs! autono-A-Z-ing! fin-ish!

I have finally got to get this fluffy F’in out of my free-writing system somehow. Even my everyday daily poem at Pitter Patter (fitter fatter one day maybe) was an f-in frog-hopping start with fickle flippin shopping for fodder thrown in for fair weather reflection! FFS! All this flaneur and fishing for soup and fort-fully finking… i am so looking forward to battered fish tomorrow, even if grey rather than white for a fifty pence helping! Baked not fried of course! I blog-hopped twenty new A to Z blogs from my reader rather than from the sign-up list and still trying to follow those visited before (but not actually following following all but keeping track via comments notifications + notes). At some point gettiing links pages / reviews together…phew!

Whatever next? Gee – with a j, like in congeal? what g word start with a j? just to be awkward? are there any?  or a g, for grr? Not yet decided.

Surprised I  managed a sensible response to the writing 101 task earlier but even that was a flit to the future! FFS!

Finally though, I’ve taken some of my own advice for a change from my Feeling Fine Framework at Snailzpace Daily and made a doodle for today. So Tuesday’s are going to maybe feature Tuesday’s-Doodle-Day, and I’ll make at least one every week – but you might guess this first one has a couple of flippin’ F’s innit! So, I am definitely learning my alFabet fine. Just my form needs some fine-tuning and forms need finishing – and the foto file needs uploading to my flying machine…So, going on and getting back with whatever next…

G-wizardry?  Farewell 😀

FFs! autono-A-Z-ing! fin-ish!