3days, 3quotes -day1

With thanks to Ann at Grubbsncritters for tagging me to do this challenge

Image found at unsplash.com, made lo-res & typography added by stu06bloc9

The rules are to post 3 quotes over 3 days and nominate 3 bloggers each time to carry on with the challenge.

Some people choose to share three quotes each day, but the usual / minimum is one each day so take your pick and enjoy (with no obligation!)

I nominate the following bloggers to take on this challenge – and recommend visiting their blogs via latest posts from the following links:

  • Doug Warren
  • Inspiring Max
  • a coffee break with Mike
  • Optional EXTRA: Wildcard nomination – if you’re reading this and would like to nominate yourself, please feel free: reblog or link to this post creating a pingback and away you go, enjoy!


Below are three more quotes from Stephen Hawking, the first being the quote I originally saved to use for this challenge. However, today, I decided to choose a different quote (applied to the pic above), selected for tying nicely to my theme of my nominator’s post. I found  Stephen Hawking quotes at goodreads, the quotes research site recommended during November2015-Writing101.

“One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don’t throw it away.”

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

“Quiet people have the loudest minds.”
Stephen Hawking is an exceptional thinker, an inspirational author and an amazing person. He will be reaching his seventy-fourth birthday on January 8th (born 1942) – having been diagnosed with motor neurone disease in 1963 aged twenty-one and given two years to live, his journey is an incredible one. Visit Stephen Hawking’s official website here. or read more about him on wiki.


3days, 3quotes -day1


Timer set… pressured deadline? nope! pressured? nope! should be perhaps,
will be most likely… carried away with???

What will become of getting stuck for a frozen moment and then continuing to tap
away at these keys as if my life depends on meeting the challenge…which one?
how many? does it matter? are we counting? do we count yet here, there or

What should I be saying? Should I even speak? Can you hear my voice? Does it
disturb or perturb you?… I’m not supposed to be editing and I’m on the wrong page,
in a notepad, but saves the cloggy cogs and wheels crashing against the

I’d love a day at the seaside wouldn’t you? … salty air, grey skies, chilly breeze,
but at Easter? Still more visitors, nicer when it’s bleak and abandoned and the
promenade facades have the shutters drawn down and locked. No money to spend
much so why care?

Skegness! I’ve lived here in the Midlands for over twenty years and having originated
from a coastal area elsewhere still cannot for the life of me understand Midlanders
infatuation with Skegness! bingo! arcades! cheap markets full of break-by-before
tomorrow tacky souvenirs and fall to pieces clothing…

Fish and chips by the sea with lashings of salt and vinegar…

The timer’s set and my coffee’s going cold… walk away…

…warm one hand while the other works at play… how to kill an hour’s third…

So, where to start? Where’s the beginning and why make an end?

Are you getting ready for the next 1920s style era of great British depression? Is it
a looming global doom on the horizon? Have you tried to read the legislation for
UK welfare reform? It’s the next scariest thing I’ve read to the climate change
documents – especially the chinese fella’s report that suggests by 2050 our average
indoor temperature has to be reduced to 17degrees – hell fire, some of us survive
with ten to twelve degrees indoors already in winter! Old people surv ive much better
than us younger folk, amazingly so and with far less complaining and expectation…

Halfway there almost, will I run out of steam before I run out of electric and will there
be anymore?

I’ve thought ahead as far as can I warm water in a steel pan with a glass lid to save
energy – but not in a north-facing yard that’s in shade most of the day! Vegetables
won’t grow well here either. Time to think of planning to move at some time before
next winter. My landlord’s fridge won’t operate correctly until ambient room
temperatures are above sixteen degrees and we’re not quite there enough ambiently

For the ease of any poor unfortunate reader stumbling across my stream of
consciousness drivel- well, if they’ve been before, they’ll know what to expect…

… maybe eight minutes left in this whole wide world of writing 101 prompt
response… What would you do with the last eight minutes ever? Make a call?
Watch the skies? What would I do? Would I waste it away writing as if my life
depended on it, hoping it might be discovered one day and leave a trace of (my)
being here?… and why is my stream of consciousness outpouring alouding itself
from my voice-box?

I wish my hands could keep up with my thinking… sticky old keyboard, is my
excuse, as if I need another! My best one’s upstairs on the old win98 offline bedside
hook-up – really must take my netbook to a shop and get it fixed! Something else
for the wish-list…

Five more minutes really? no, only two, having checked… what would I do with the
last two minutes in this wonderful world? Say a prayer perhaps? Perhaps sing a
song if even only in thought. Probably leave the tears to roll (not that there are any
at the moment, but there will be at some point, of course).

Fifty two seconds and counting and I’m not supposed to look at my timer but how
would I know to reach some kind of ending in time if not to look? Deep breath and
fifteen seconds is just enough to type over and out.

(700 words)

re: editing, apart from correcting typos and punctuation I’ve left my draft as the original text, although it IS tempting to add or re-work things, especially when I go off on another tangent without completing what I was trying to say! Never mind…OMG! formatting to sort now! looked fine in editor screen – that’s what I get from pasting from notepad to word-processing programme THEN to blog editor! Will I ever remember to paste only from a plain text file, NOT the word processor!
