It’s Thursday! time for a T-A-S-T-e-write

T.A.S.T.e-write #1


The image above (from, inspired the following flash-fiction writing output:

Knowing she stands on the other side of the river, I reach forward, arms stretched out, palms upward to feel the warmth of the sun as I made my offering to her. I had no way of giving her a gift and she deserved so much more than an empty gesture.

I wonder how long it will be before the travel ban is lifted and I can journey to the city again to see her. I long to keep her safe. I worry for her, alone, trapped within the city limits.

If only I had a boat, I could try to reach her – though I might be shot for my intrusion. If I could swim against the current I might dare, for living without her is death itself. I wrestle with these thoughts all day and much of the night – oh, if I had wings and could soar the skies and swoop her to safety!

I cannot see her, but I know she is there. I hope she knows I am with her, in spirit.

[copyright, Stuart Mullen, 2016]

Both the images I selected (pic-step prompt #1) triggered a number of ideas and sparked some writing excercises and outlining other excercises and ideas. This result stands alone, fairly fine as is, in isolation from the muddled meanderings of other efforts, so this week I decided to share this for my self-led Take-A-Step-Thursday:E-write challenge. Maybe I’ll even continue weaving the story with other fragments … and if you’re inspired to write something yourself, from the picture prompts or my writing starter above, I’d love to hear about it via comments or pingbacks 🙂 Feedback most welcome too and will be reciprocated a.s.a.p.

Now for pic-step prompt #2, I must simply find an image for the prompt for this next week’s writing. (My TASTe:write goal-setting post will appear at my rough-work-book-blog,  Snailzpace Daily soon after, with links to be updated).

It’s Thursday! time for a T-A-S-T-e-write