A choice…

In the distance, a voice, with no choice at all,

(p)reserves only humanity, with no choice at all.

(H)ear the distant thunders! Hear the distant sighs!

There is no gard living just the living ostracized!

Beneathe our footsteps hear our thunders

and fear not ur living age

cos the thunder you hear ripplin’

is just our thyme and s’age;

and then again  ‘she’ will denounce, as any living mother might,

to say that is no way to be and there’s no God-Given rite!

A choice…

Leapster Challenges (joining in?)

Happy Leap Day! Happy Leap Year … make a leap here! There is no time like the present – whatever the day, it’s a leap thing all year apparently…

The Wishing Well


Happy Leap Day!

If I’d had better energy and not distracted with theme changing I might have got this Leap thing off the ground better, made an event page and submitted a listing. But, right from the beginning the Leapster was a free-flying flit about just making a leap sometime, somehow… ‘Your leap, your way…’

“Leap and the net will appear.” John Burroughs

“One way we can enliven the imagination is to push it toward the illogical… We don’t always have to make the logical, reasonable leap.” Stella Adler

Source: Brainyquote.com

My Leap, my way.. coming soon:

  • a Leap proposal…
  • my 2020 vision (not a plan, just a glimpse ahead…)
  • round-up post of leaps along the way (thanks SarahC et al for joining the fun 🙂
  • ‘make-a-leap’ mini-challenges so far so…

It’s never too late to join in, 2020 is a long way off and it’s Leap Year for a…

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Leapster Challenges (joining in?)